F. Javier Rodríguez-Román

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I am a post doctoral researcher at the Department of Economics, Universitat de Barcelona, a junior researcher with the Frankfurt Quantitative Macro Group at Goethe University and a member of the Barcelona Economic Analysis Team (BEAT). Previously I received my PhD from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2021.

My main area of research is macroeconomics and labour economics. In particular, I am interested in family, demography, and quantitative macroeconomics.

Get in touch with me at fjavier.rodriguezroman@gmail.com.

Working papers

The Sex Ratio, Marriage and Bargaining: A Look at China

Financial Incentives to Fertility: From Short to Long Run with Lidia Cruces
Best Paper Award at the 27th (Spring) Meeting of Young Economists, 2023

A Theory of Structural Change, Home Production and Leisure with Fenicia Cossu, Alessio Moro and Silvio Tunis
Videos of my and Alessio’s presentations at the IX Workshop on Structural Transformation and Macroeconomic Dynamics and STEG’s Theme 2 Workshop 2022.

Work in progress

Slums and urbanisation without structural transformation with Alessio Moro
This project is being funded with a Small Research Grant from the Structural Transformation and Economic Growth (STEG) programme (£25000).

Family Policies and Social Security with Lidia Cruces